LETTER [F.NO. MISC/JT.CIT/SRE/2012-13/], DATED 27-4-2012
Kindly refer to the subject mentioned above.
Recently there have been large number of news in daily newspapers on the above subject. Brief facts are that a gang of 6 persons led by so called Sh. V.D. Goyal, Investigation Officer of Income Tax Department raided the house of Dr. Mohan Pandey, Saharanpur (U.P.) on 18-4-2012. They claimed that they belong to the Office of the CIT, Lucknow and produced a fake letter issued by the Commissioner of Income Tax, Zone-2, Lucknow before the S.S.P., Saharanpur and got police force on the basis of fake letter as well as fake Identity Card. The gang took away Rs. 11.10 lac and demanded bribe for closing the case. Later on, it was found that this is a gang of swindlers. On the basis of an anonymous call, Dr. Mohan Pandey lodged an FIR with the police and police nabbed 2 members of the gang and a driver of the doctor. But the master mind, the so called V.D. Goyal is still absconding. The photograph of V.D. Goyal is enclosed along with this letter.
It is in the interest of the I.T. Department that this so called V.D. Goyal is nabbed by the police. Police officers wanted the help of department in this regard. It is requested that the photo enclosed herewith may be circulated to different offices of the Income Tax Department through official Website or other wise so that the other offices of the department may become alert in such situations and also if any one identifies this person this may be intimated as it is deeply believed that this so called V.D. Goyal directly/indirectly belongs to Income Tax Department as he is well versed with procedures/law of search. He may be a terminated/suspended employee of this department. To save the respect of our department, it is requested that if any officer/official know about identity/name of this fraud man it may be immediately conveyed to Income Tax Office, Saharanpurat at telephone numbers 0132-2724109, 2726959, 2723552 & 2712158 so that police can nab this person for legal action.