The Income Tax department on Wednesday conducted search operations on Delhi-based Alankrit group in connection with tax evasion and money laundering, sources said. In a statement, the department did not name the group but said that preliminary enquiries had revealed the entity had made hawala transactions and accommodation entries worth over Rs 1,000 crore.
Alankrit, which has presence across several cities in India and Dubai, provides e-governance services including Aadhaar enrollment and is a registered income-tax e-return filing intermediary. Additionally, it also offers depository services and is a third-party administrator for health insurance.
“The search and seizure action have led to unearthing of several incriminating evidence establishing large scale tax evasion, hawala transaction and money laundering by the said taxpayer group.
The group has taken recourse to use of shell companies based in Delhi/Kolkata to route unaccounted money,” the department said in a statement. During its search operations on entities related to fertiliser procurement, the department had found that commission was being collected through Dubai-based shell companies and laundered back to India through Alankrit. One of the Dubai-based operator is also an accused in VVIP chopper scam, the department said.
Source : PTI