A total of 4,731 conveyance deeds and authorisation slips have been issued under the Pradhan Mantri Unauthorised Colonies in Delhi Awas Adhikar Yojana (PM-UDAY) till February 26, Union minister Hardeep Singh Puri told Rajya Sabha on Wednesday. In a written reply to a question, Puri said the Delhi Development Authority received 61,184 applications on PM-UDAY portal for grant of rights under the scheme till February 26, out of which 23,884 have been processed and 12,959 disposed.
“Delhi Development Authority has informed that as on 26.02.2021, 4,731 conveyance deed and authorisation slip have been issued under Pradhan Mantri – Unauthorized Colonies in Delhi Awas Adhikar Yojana (PM-UDAY) Scheme,” Puri said in the reply.
Under the scheme, people living in unauthorised colonies can apply for ownership rights of their properties.
The procedure for submission and processing of applications is simple, information technology-enabled and available online, Puri added.
In 2019, the Union Cabinet had approved a proposal to grant ownership rights to people living in unauthorised colonies. Later, Parliament had passed a bill to grant ownership rights to the residents.
Later, the Central government had introduced the PM-UDAY scheme, under which people living in these colonies can apply for ownership rights of their properties.
Source : PTI