CBI crisis LIVE Updates: In first such incident in the history, the Central Government Wednesday sent the CBI Director Alok Verma and Special Director Rakesh Asthana on leave, divesting them of all powers amid an ongoing spat between the two, news agency PTI reported citing sources. The report further said that a prime minister-led Appointments Committee has given the charge of the Director to Joint Director M Nageshwara Rao with immediate effect.
Addressing a press conference in the matter, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said that government can’t probe the matter and the decision has been taken as per the recommendations of the Central Vigilence Commission.
Opposing the Central Government order, CBI director Alok Kumar Verma filed a petition in the Supreme Court. The apex court agreed to hear the plea on October 26. A bench comprising Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi and Justices S K Kaul and K M Joseph agreed to Verma’ submission that the plea required urgent hearing.
Source : Financial Express